Born in Buenos Aires, in 1949. He is 72 years old, has worked 50 years. He is an essential name on the Argentine theater and television scene. For the small screen, he has been acting since the 1970s, mostly in supporting roles. It begins to stand out in the 80s and 90s, becoming a regular in series and soap operas. In fact, it shares series with Antonio Banderas in ‘Cuentos de Borges’, where the Spaniard appeared in the chapter dedicated to ‘The other story of Rosendo Juárez’ and the Argentine acted in ‘El Sur’.
Over the years the cinema begins to be there, but the recognition and box office bombings will wait until the middle of 2010. In fact, in 2016 he shoots four films and does nothing in theatersomething unusual in a career forged based on scenarios.
We review some of the greatest hits in his filmography.
In 2008 he visited San Sebastián to receive the Silver Shell for ‘Empty Nest’, by Daniel Burmanbut ‘Wild Tales’ (2014) is the film that opens it up to the world: the anthology written and directed by Damian Szifron puts him on the same level Leonardo Sbaraglia, Ricardo Darin and Dario Grandinettiamong many others.
In 2015 he plays the rich father of Dolores Fonz in ‘Paulina’, by Santiago Miter (‘La cordillera’), but the film (of a social-realist nature) triumphs above all at festivals. When Martínez definitively comes out onto the commercial circuit it is with ‘Capitán Kóblic’. With ‘Kóblic’, starring Darín, the actor wins his first biznaga for Best Supporting Actor at the Malaga Festival (the second would be in 2019 for ‘Yo, mi mujer y mi mujer muerte’, by Santi Amodeo with Carlos Areces and Ingrid Garcia Jonsson).
In 2016, the year he spent away from the stage, he received his two biggest awards in the world of cinema, both for his role in ‘The Illustrious Citizen’. The movie of Gaston Duprat and Mariano Cohn, tour de force that he solves amply, he deserves so much the Volpi Cup for Best Actor at the Venice Festival (an award that both Banderas and Penelope Cruz have also achieved a triplet in height) like the Platinum Award for Ibero-American Cinema. To them are added the Days of Cinema, an Award from the Argentine Academy (he has three for Best Actor) and a Fénix Award. It is said soon.
Lately his thing is comedy: his most recent successes are ‘Toc Toc’ (Vincent Villanueva2017), ‘The tale of the weasels’ (John Joseph Campanella2019) and ‘Live Twice’ (Mary Ripoll, 2019). In 2020 he was awarded the Biznaga de Plata Ciudad del Paraíso, an honorary award from the Malaga Festival for a race that he could not go to pick up, of course, because due to confinement there was no festival. In a wink of fate, it had to be Banderas who gave it to him the following yearas part of the shooting of ‘Official Competition’. Martínez’s character in the film, Félix Rivero, smiles from the shadows.
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Who is Oscar Martinez?
Nothing is further from the perpetual monogamy of ‘Official Competition’, Martínez has been married three times: first with the screenwriter Cristina Lastramother of his three eldest daughters (until 1987), who shared the stage with the actor before his wedding and whose eldest daughter, Virginia, is one of the firms behind the Netflix series of Daniel Burman ‘Edha’.
Martínez was married from 1987 to 2000 with Mercedes Moranwith had her fourth daughter, also an actress Manuela Martinez Moran. We will have seen her together with her mother in films like ‘Sueño Florianápolis’ or ‘Submerged Family’, and in 2021 she made her debut as a writer with the novel ‘The Last Perfect Man’ (published by Penguin in Argentina).
Since 2011, the actor is married to the famous Argentine nutritionist Marina Borensztein (‘Peace, love and green juice’) and in the fall of 2020 he moved to Madrid. In April 2021, she declared for La Nación: “There are my daughters, my grandchildren and my friends, but I was having a really bad time, Argentina is very toxic for me; then the relief that it gave me [irme]. And the last year I spent there I was locked up in my house. It was horrendous. and come here [a Madrid] went back to work and to a movie he wanted to make.”
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