
The X edition of the Try IT Congress is back! of the ETSI Computer Science School, between March 14 and 18, 2022 at the Montegancedo Campus. The event aims to create a free meeting between technique, multidisciplinarity and the opening of horizons, as well as being able to bring trends between STEM disciplines and information technologies closer to university life.
In the IX edition, the more than 1,300 unique attendees had the opportunity to boost their employment situation while enjoying conferences and workshops where they could discover from the hands of large companies how organizations use new technologies to create value.
X edition of the Congress Try IT!
The Congress Try IT! It is counting these days on the participation of large companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, McKinsey, BBVA, Intel, PwC or Accenture, among many others; from public institutions such as the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) or the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA); or well-known personalities from the computer world such as Chema Alonso or Carlos Azaustre. In addition, teachers and former students of the ETSIINF participate.
This is the X edition of the Try IT Congress!
In this X edition, there will be top-level speakers from around the globe, including Alfonso Gómez Jordana from Miami, an entrepreneur who has worked with Google, Facebook and WhatsApp, José Barambones, who will tell us about his experience at CERN and the National Institute of Research of Japan, or Xavier Ferré, who will talk about Super-apps and digital services in China.
In addition, Pfizer will attend to talk to us about innovation in healthcare, the Red Electrica Group will deal with the issue of how cybersecurity helps the country not run out of electricity, Metro de Madrid will comment on the latest technological developments in the railway sector, and the Executive Chairman from PLD Space will talk about information technology applied to cargo space rockets, among many other entities such as Amazon, BBVA, AXA or NTTDATA.
They will also have the visit of:
- Diana MorantMinister of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain, on Friday, March 18.
- SPOT, the world’s most famous robot dog from Boston Dynamics, by Plain Concepts and Alisys Robotics, on March 16, 17 and 18.
- Pepper, the humanoid robot brought by the INETUM company that takes selfies with visitors and impresses them with its dance steps.
Quellenlink : revistabyte.es