Interview with Jacobo Israel, president of Corus Consulting
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The Corus consulting firm ended last year with growth of over 20%, where its role in the digital transformation, fundamentally in the part of process automation, has played an important role.
Interview with Jacobo Israel, president of Corus Consulting
How did your company end the year and what are your expectations for 2022?
The year 2021 has been very significant in terms of the growth of CORUS. We have had a growth of more than 25%, 10% organic. This year we have completed the acquisition of two small companies, one in Spain -in which we had a minority stake- and another in the United States, which we knew well and with which we had very close ties. This growth and these acquisitions are the fruit of the continuous work that we have been carrying out in recent years and that have allowed us to be very well prepared for the current situation.
Next year presents good prospects for our group. The digitization of business is a necessity in these times and CORUS has become the reference partner of large companies within these processes of conversion to the digital world.
Today, digital transformation is the foundation of your business. What technologies are involved in your proposal? Cloud, big data, analytics?
Digital transformation as a whole is our largest area of our business, which includes process automation, but also the development of native cloud solutions, web applications and, in general, accompanying our clients towards a digital world.
In this sense, our services to the industrial sector are being very well received, especially the use of blockchain in industrial processes is increasingly important and our experience in this field is very relevant.
What other projects is Corus working on? What sectors and what type of clients are they mainly aimed at?
The application of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (especially Machine Learning techniques and artificial vision) to the protection of workers is one of the most relevant areas of innovation at Corus Consulting. We have expanded our customer base and perfected our solutions, especially with electronic vision capabilities, which is allowing us to explore new products and services where we apply Machine Learning techniques for the recognition of objects, people, volumes, etc.
What scene do they find? Are companies aware that it is necessary to invest in technology to remain competitive, or is it still costing them?
We are at a time when the digitization of organizations is no longer a matter of a few pioneers and visionaries, it is something that organizations of all types, sizes and sectors are addressing clearly and decisively. This universalization of the digital transformation is one of the main opportunities for the ICT sector, which on some occasions is also anchored to paradigms and solutions of the past. We have been pioneers in digital transformation and our clients have chosen us as trusted partners for this transformation.
In addition to Spain, they have a presence in the US, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Chile and the Philippines. What weight do these markets have in your business? Do you plan to expand to other countries?
Our international business has been consolidated, and despite the difficulties of recent years, with lockdowns, travel restrictions, etc., we have managed to grow in the USA, Mexico and Colombia-Peru.
Especially significant has been the growth in Mexico and Colombia. The possibility of offering near shore services to US companies with Mexican personnel is giving very interesting results, and the use of the Colombian base as a springboard to work, together with Spain, throughout South America, is being very productive.
We continue to explore other expansion possibilities, especially in Europe, where we do not rule out any acquisition in the medium and long term.
What else can you add relevant to Corus’s activity during the last year?
The digital transformation must be accompanied by better and more efficient control systems. In our company we have made progress this past year in everything related to analytics and process mining, developing a set of very interesting solutions to know the status of corporate processes at all times. Traditional BI systems are not prepared to correctly analyze the dynamism of processes and focus on static snapshot views. Processes, by their nature, are constantly changing state and require an analytical vision that more clearly contemplates the time that has elapsed in each of its stages, which have been completed successfully, which have been stuck in some of their tasks , etc.