New studies show that drinking tea and coffee can help the brain function at its highest capacity. A study of volunteers in the UK found that older people who drank tea or coffee regularly were less likely to suffer from dementia and stroke.
The study, which was conducted over an 11-year period, could not explain why this happened, but it did show that these fizzy drinks can have a positive effect on our health. Dementia is the gradual loss of cognitive function of the brain, the risk of which increases with age and there is still no cure for it. In addition, it can cause major health problems in the future.
Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted. About 10% of the world’s deaths occur annually due to stroke. However, those who survive stroke also suffer from many other complications, such as dementia. Therefore, any solution and treatment that can prevent these disorders in the body, can be a winner.
Tea is a beverage that has long been considered a healthy beverage, but so far there has been more criticism of coffee. It has recently been discovered that coffee is not an unhealthy beverage and can even help our health.

Recent studies have shown that drinking coffee regularly can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and premature death. This new study also showed that drinking coffee and tea can reduce the risk of stroke and dementia. Chinese researchers in this study, with data from the UK Biobank from the mid-2000s, examined the health of 366,000 volunteers between the ages of 50 and 74 with no history of stroke or dementia.
Volunteers were asked at the beginning of the study how much coffee or tea they drank on average. At the end of this study, about 5,000 cases of dementia and 10,000 cases of stroke were found. Those who drank an average of two to three cups of coffee a day, or three to five cups of tea, or a combination of four to six cups of coffee and tea, were at lower risk. They experienced a 28 percent lower risk of dementia and a 32 percent lower risk of stroke than those who did not.
Other studies have shown an association between drinking tea and coffee and a lower risk of dementia and stroke. But the results of this study showed that moderate consumption of these drinks leads to a lower risk of these disorders.