José García, CIO of TIBA: “Teams has changed my life”
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Position and company: CIO of TIBA
Date of birth: 8/1/1970
Marital status Married. Children: two
Sports practiced: golf.
Hobbies: traveling, golf and gastronomy
Studies: Telecommunications Engineer UPV. MBA Catholic University of Valencia
Dependents: 40
Years in the company: 3 years
Previous jobs: CIO Port Authority of Valencia; Director of the Port Community System of the ValenciaPort Foundation; CEO Infoport Valencia
José García de la Guía, CIO of TIBA
What does the main part of the company’s IT budget go to?
Development and maintenance of Applications and Services in the Cloud
In which area is the most being invested this year?
Creation and global implementation of the new operations and quotes application. Implementation of the new digital workplace.
Which project are you most satisfied with?
New trading app.
If all the benefits of the company were put in charge of the IT department, what would you like to implement?
Accelerate the implementation of AI so that employees go from imputing information to generating value for the client.
Is security an issue?
No, security is a concern. It must be taken into account for everything and from the initial phases.
What challenges does a sector like yours have?
Right now the logistics sector is undergoing a profound transformation. The borders between company profiles have fallen and now your supplier and even your client make you the competition.
Can you work from home?
We have already shown it. However, we encourage regular physical meetings of each team to prevent the “team glue from breaking”. Teams that “touch” are more cohesive and better synchronized. We are going for a model with different offices, more sofas and more rooms and fewer conventional work tables.
What main trends do you observe in the ICT world?
Offshoring is a fact. Also that the talent works with you as it wants. We are not closed to remote, sporadic models, etc.
Under no circumstances on your mobile can you miss…
the mdm.
What is the tool that really changed your life?
I don’t know if for better or worse, Teams. The other day a colleague joked with me that we should ask for corporate urinals because we couldn’t even get up.
Tired of solving the technological problems of family and friends? What do they usually ask for?
They no longer ask me, now they go to my nephew. I already got rid of that.
What about extracting the value of the data, will it really mean the evolution of companies like yours?
Right now it is one of our concerns. Right now we are changing the entire operating backbone of the company. This should greatly improve the quality of the data. Next year it’s time to start squeezing value far beyond what we do today.
What is this digital transformation? Slogan or need?
In our case it is a matter of life or death. We have to transform for an internal reason, efficiency… we need to produce more or better. And an external reason, either we differentiate ourselves digitally in the service to our clients or we will not last five years.
Is the R+D+i thing an urban legend?
Only in Spain is innovation combined with R&D. Innovating taught me that it is the continuous generation of value, you are clear about what you want from the first moment. R&D is based on the uncertainty that research carries. We continually innovate and research sporadically and almost always cooperatively.
In the cloud or on-premise?
In our case, 1,500 people, 22 countries on 4 continents. 100% cloud, we have no alternative.
Is the lack of security knowledge of customers and employees the main challenge?
It’s a problem. The awareness and training of minimum digital skills is very very important.
Do you see the dream of autonomous vehicles coming true in the short term?
The first commercial self-driving truck service in Texas has just been announced. On ships it is quite close. However, for widespread services, it will take time.
How can ICT help solve supply chain problems?
That is where we are, precisely where we are. AI is going to be essential and even tools like Blockchain should help provide predictive services that help respond faster or even earlier to problems.
Will the electric vehicle prevail or do you think a more efficient and sustainable technology will appear?
I am not an expert on the subject, but honestly I would focus on making hydrogen in a sustainable and cheap way.