Orizon’s BOA technology and its methodology, developed entirely in our country, are currently the only solution on the market capable of continuously monitoring the operation of the technological infrastructures of large corporations in a dynamic manner, to detect and eliminate problems, as well as optimize Continuous form.
Hence, the company has closed its 2021 financial year with a 108% growth in its turnover, reaching 3.5 million euros, as well as a 172% growth in its operating margin (EBITDA) in absolute value and 30% of income.
“These are conservative forecasts. The projects in which the company has participated in 2021, among which it is worth mentioning our collaboration in the technological integration process of CaixaBank and Bankia, could guide us towards the search for very striking financial explosions, but we chose to develop the business based on solidity ”, explains Ángel Pineda, CEO of Orizon.
Fiscal year 2021
With these figures, it demonstrates the success of the first part of its four-year business plan and faces the second tranche maintaining its expectations of growing the business above seven million this year and exceeding 10 million euros in 2023.
As regards its human resources, Orizon has finished the year with a team of 43 professionals and plans to create 20 new jobs during 2022 despite the difficulties caused by the shortage of qualified professionals in the information technology environment. information. The objective of Orizon’s business plan is to bring together more than 60 professionals in 2023.
BOA on Amazon Web Services
During this year, the company will invest 1.3 million euros in the evolution of its BOA technology, totaling 4 million euros in its development. The company, which has the objective of turning this Spanish technology into a performance market standard, will undertake a change in its architecture to adapt it to the cloud environment and anticipates that next October BOA will already be available, in SaaS mode, through the marketplace aws.
Orizon grows 108% in turnover in the 2021 financial year
On average, Orizon’s services, which are especially appreciated in the banking and insurance business, manage, on average, to reduce system response times by up to 25% and the total costs of infrastructures by 40%. an organization.
New sectors and internationalization
During 2022, and from a commercial point of view, the company plans to consolidate its position in the banking and insurance segment, and will strengthen its capacity to reach new sectors of economic activity with a high technological dependency of the business, such as the of utilities, telecommunications and retail.
On the other hand, it will also continue the internationalization of its activity during 2022, basically in Latin America, a geographical area in which it already operates in Colombia and Brazil.
Orizon focuses its activity on large organizations with a minimum investment in information technology of between 300 and 400 million euros per year. In addition to guaranteeing the proper functioning of technological infrastructures and applications, it offers visibility, information and applicable solutions to problems, as well as performance improvements and actions to be carried out to optimize their impact on the business.
Quellenlink : revistabyte.es